• New List when a company clearly communicates their WHY, what they believe -- and we believe what they believe – then we will sometimes go to extraordinary lengths to include those products or brands in our lives.

    Simon Sinek, Start with Why, Ch 4, page 54

  • The end result of kindness is that it draws people to you

    Anita Roddrick, Founder, The Body Shop

  • To retain those who are present, be loyal to those who are absent.

    Steven Covey

  • Trust matters. Trust comes from being a part of a culture or organization with a common set of values and beliefs. Trust is maintained when the values and beliefs are actively managed… any organization must actively work to remind everyone WHY the company exists. WHY it was founded in the first place. What is believes. The company must serve those who wish to serve it.

    Simon Sink, Start with Why, Ch6, pg 110-111

  • Strong reputations result when companies are transparent in the way they conduct their affairs.

    Charles Forman, Reputation

  • Try to be transparent, clear and truthful. Even when it’s difficult, and above all when its difficult.

    Jean-Cyril Spinetta, Chairman and CEO, Air France

  • We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done

    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

  • The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality

    Max Deprees

  • Almost all conflict is a result of violated expectations

    Blaine Less

  • All power is a trust; and we are accountable for its exercise.

    Benjamin Disraelli

  • Leadership has less to do with walking in front and leading the way than it does with listening to the needs of the people of the company and meeting them.

    Charles M Cawley

  • You are your word. When you say you will do it, do it. Don’t give your word unless you intend to keep it. A leader whose promise means something is trusted. Trust counts for everything in leadership.

    Coach John Wooden

My leadership style is strengths-focused, interdisciplinary, team-science approach; which, results in accomplishing our strategic goals.

I nurture trusting and supportive interactions between teams and am eager to identify opportunities for individuals to work in new partnerships to improve our public health outcomes with evidence-based approaches.

My leadership style includes transparent communication that honors relationships in our organization, and in the larger community.

Leadership Experiences

2023 – Present       Co-Director, Biological Systems Core, Center for Integrative Research on Childhood Adversity, Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, Tulsa, OK

2021 – 2023           Associate Director & Co-Director of Administrative Core, Center for Integrative Research on Childhood Adversity, Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, Tulsa, OK

2020 – 2022           Executive Director of Clinical & Population Research, National Center for Wellness & Recovery, Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, Tulsa, OK

2018 – 2020           Executive Director, Center for Wellness & Recovery, Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, Tulsa, OK

2015 – 2018           Associate Director for Research, Center for Family Resilience, Oklahoma State University

2014 – 2018           Founding Director, Master & Certificate of Public Health Program, Oklahoma State University